Thursday, 6 December 2012

Games I want to run or play

I have a massive surplus of games I want to run and or play. So recently and starting with my Iron Kingdoms campaign I am moving to run more shorter campaigns of a variety of games.

so this post is about the games I am or want to run.

First up I am running an Iron Kingdoms RPG game. The players are all part of Giovannis Black Cat Mercenary Company The Wild Cards Mercs and are investigating the destruction of the rest of their company. So far their investigations have had them face off against Cryxian forces, meet an Ordic Castellan who is also an Arcanist, See a relic made by one of Morrows Ascendants, and met a crazy old man who thinks he is Giovanni and fears for his soul.

Deadlands the Flood- I started this game ages ago and still really enjoy playing and running Savage Worlds.

DnD Next and This is Thracia - The recent playtest packets have not been inspiring me in the same way that the earlier ones did but I am still following the development choices closely. I also really enjoyed running in the real world (so to speak). Another idea I would be interested in doing for Thracia is to run it again (or carry it on with a relatively stable group and see how that changes the experience.)

13th Age - I’m probably going to hold off until I have the main book in print, or the main book and the 13 True ways expansion. I also probably want to run a couple of campaigns in this one to carry on with my 13th Age of the Hungry Phoenix Campaign and one to try the system in a more traditional Fantasy World.

Dresden Files - this one is largely inspired by The FATE core rules kickstarter and the recent release of Cold Days. Having read more of the FATE core that I got for backing the kickstarter this has moved up and I am now keen about running anything with FATE and want to shoehorn aspects into my current IK game. (the results of which might make another blog post.)

I’m playing in John’s 2nd Ed AD&D Game in his homebrew setting. This game is excellent and will get a post of its own at some point.

Pathfinder - Having finished a full Adventure path [link] I am reluctant to run another pathfinder game, but it is hands down the best game for players that I own. I recently got the Thornkeep dungeon from the Pathfinder Online Technology Demo so I might run that at some point. [links]

Fiasco - This is a fantastic GM less game. Ceri wrote about the first session of it we played here.

Dungeon World - Dan has been talking about this alot and it sounds very cool

Quest Rpg - Simon Rogers from Pelgrane press talked about this game at Dragonmeet and it sounds very cool. A collaborative cartography game where you make a actual map and a relationship map as you play.

What are you playing at the moment? What do you want to run or play?


  1. Others on my list:
    Ars Magica - I stopped my game and started a IK (DnD) one so some other people could join, I'd like to run it again or preferably play as I love the magic system and mythic Europe is a great setting. I don't do it justice as a GM as my knowledge of history isn't good enough.
    Shadowrun (not the current version though). Magic and technology and a dystopian future. Awesome.
    Spirit of the Century also sounds interesting.

    And though it's confusing I'm enjoying playing exalted 2.0 (2.5?). There's a new version coming out soon too. Dunno if it might be any less wonky rules wise and with clearer mechanics.

  2. I'm playing a number of highly enjoyable games at present - some of which are on Dave's list. There are also a number of games I'd like to GM in the new year.

    >> tremulus

    I've Keeper-ed (GMed) a couple of sessions of Reality Blurs' Lovecraftian horror game based "Apocalypse World", and I'm keen to play more. Driven by the player decisions and actions, building the scenario during play from a toolbox, it reduces the rail-roading and instead focuses on what's creeping and watching, in the darkness, just beyond the lamp-light...

    >> Shadows of Esteren

    A beautiful looking French RPG. Mix the low-fantasy 'realistic' medieval of Ars Magica, the looming menace of Warhammer's old world, with the sweeping Gothic vistas of Ravenloft. A little hard going in places, but an interesting and intriguing setting full of potential.

    >> Call of Cthulhu

    Hands-down my favourite game (as both a player and keeper), I don't have the bandwidth to start a campaign at present, but when I've a year to spare I'd dearly love to run a group through "Masks of Nyarlathotep" again. Until then maybe some short one/two session scenarios.

    >> FATE

    Fate has been a favourite of mine for a number of years, despite having only GMed a handful of sessions. It's player driven, it's easy to create an encounter on the fly ("you're in a *crowded* market square when six *average* city guards yell at you to lay down you weapons and give yourselves up..."), and encourages -and rewards- player character back-story and investment. The new core rules promise to make it one of my go to systems. The other is ...

    >> Savage Worlds

    Fast, lightweight (but still with just enough crunch) it's easy to pick-up and run a great session with the minimum of prep. Or you can focus the prep on the back-story rather than the system. Brilliant for pulpy fast moving action (Conan, Solomon Kane, swashbuckling Pirates,...)

    >> Dungeon World

    Another game using the "Apocalypse World" system, this time with a classic / old school D&D feel.
