Thursday, 28 March 2013

Weekend of Gaming

Today I weigh 14st 4lbs. Diet bet is going well.

The girls are off to Empire  but instead I am planning on building a fort out of boxes in the living room, Calling it my Fortress of Solitude and then ruining the solitude part by inviting a load of my mates over to play games.

Gav  is going to run a 10th level Pathfinder one shot, and I am going to run the Demo adventure for Dragon Age (as it is Tabletop Day on Saturday)

In addition to that I’m going to play a bunch of Warmachine and Hordes using Dwarven Forge as terrain.

Speaking of Dwarven Forge they have an awesome Kickstarter running at the moment. The Overseas shipping is still a little bit heavy but the sets do look cool:

My plan for the Warmachine Dwarven Forge Scenario is to co opt The longest night scenario from the Privateer Press website has some interesting special rules for zombies turning up everywhere so I’m going to import them and possibly have a neutral set of Celaphx roaming around the level.

I’ll post about how the weekend went next week. What are you doing for Easter or Tabletop day?

Monday, 25 March 2013

Nijitsu Seminar and April Diet Bet.

On Saturday despite the snow I attended a Ninjitsu Workshop by Jim at Bujinkan Reading (he also blogged about it here.)

We did a bunch of things with Bokken, both striking defending and stopping people from drawing their swords. As well as some more traditional Attacks and blocks. I also got talking to Dave one of the other Black Belts who is planning on starting a Womens Self Defence Class in Reading.

My Push-up bet for March is not going well, and as a result Last week I started Aprils Diet Bet early. before the end of April I will lose 10lbs. This time around I am joined by Lisa, Mark and Becky. Each of whom has their own targets. I have also escalated by cheating on the diet forfeit to adding £5 to the pot every time I break Diet. I currently Weigh 14st and 8lbs and will be under 14 stone before the end of Arpil.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Age of the Hungry Phoenix Session 10

I have been looking at a bunch of other games this last week or so and yesterday I found my notes for a session of my 13th Age Asian Game that I don’t remember running, or in fact writing.

It is written for my use rather than being properly polished I stole the idea of Gonoshans Rug Shop and the Spider Monkeys from Sagiro’s Story Hour.

I think the session lead up was due to my players wanting to investigate the bundle of prophecies that were given to them that I wrote about here:

Overall I am pretty pleased with this session so I might try to run it in the next few weeks.

Session 10 Chasing the Prophecy
K8, Robin, Dan, John,



The Basement of Gonoshans Rug Shop

Gonoshan the Rug seller. Has a Flying Carpet on the ceiling (is actually a clever fake)
Wears a Turban, has a squint in one eye. Reluctant to let people into his basement. Might change his mind if they buy a Rug. Knows nothing about spider monkeys. Might go to summon the guards if he is intimidated or ignored.

Hidden Trapdoor.
Underground level with ramps,
Squeaking noise

Remnants of an underground Arena. Half Buried by rock that looks like it flooded the place like mud or water and then turned back to stone. After this point Spider monkeys start following the players and might pick on people who are left on their own.

Spider Monkeys 2nd level (probably about 8 add 4-5 mooks per one you take away)
(Based on Hunting Spider)

In the tunnels under the arenary bits (use the gaming paper map thingy.)
Test subject storage room. Lots of big jars full of dead half spider half monkeys and other gruesome hybrids.
2 large Pits of rats are making the squeaking noise.
There is a brand new fitted door on the far side of the room.
A flesh golem made of bits of animals (mostly bear) defends this room. It  tries to knock people into the pits full of rats. (Hard save to escape 10 Ongoing Damage as the starving rats try to eat you)

Flesh Golem Large level 4 monstrosity

Past the New Door
A weird looking arch, half Buried in rubble and solidified rock/mud to rock. Every Hour on the hour it glows and a spider monkey appears.
Arrayed in front of the arch are a series of trestle tables covered with the detritus of an alchemist's lab.
Cages of Spiders, Cages of Monkeys, lots of dead attempts at spider monkeys

Gorrilla Tarantula. Large 2nd level
(Elite Monster Spider)

Crazy Hermit that knows monkey style kung fu, with a spider monkey familiar. Level 5 dude
Init +8
AC 20/14/19
HP 70
Weaving Punch +8 vs AC 15 damage can be split up to 3 targets
Looks like he fell over but he hit you +10 vs. PD (all enemies engaged with the Hermit), 10 Punchy damage, and the target pops free of the Hermit.
Natural 20: The target is also dazed (save ends).
Throws something horrible in your eyes + 10 vs. PD (up to 2 nearby enemies in a group), 10 damage (or 20 if used against a single target), and the target loses its next move action

If freed from their cages angry spiders and monkeys will swarm all over him making him stunned until he passes a save.

He has Tsao Ling’s Ring of Alchemic power (see above) but he cannot use its advanced power yet. He has managed to use it as a focus for his transmutational Alchemy.

His Note book has a recipies for Heroic Tier Healing potions, Magical Oil, there are enough materials in his damaged lab to make one of these for each player.

The Arch is covered in strange Carvings and elven Writing.
If an Elf Touches it it glows and another spider monkey appears.
A magical theory test type thing can tell them that it is malfunctioning and if properly excavated could be a permanent gate to another part of the world. It looks as though it might be of elven manufacture.

If it would be cool to make it work then it sends them to a similar strange arch in an Elven Wood.

Tsao Ling’s Ring of Alchemic Power - One small pink stone - Lesser power: Turn any metal into any other known metal, up to 10 coin weight, 3/day - Greater power (MU 6+): Turn anything of user's mass or less into anything else of user's mass or less, 1/day
Based on Jeff’s post here:

Random Encounters
I use these to inform Icon relationship rolls and have a different batch for each player.

Dan - Ash (Halfling Rogue)
Diabolist 5 - The Imp from Lareth has followed them and has alerted a cult in the city to their presence seeking to gain kudos they try to kidnap Dan. (or anyone in his party to gain an opportunity to get to him) [Details of the cult]
Diabolist 6 - Warning of the Diabolists plan and how it pertains to a Prophecy. Also how she is trying to subvert the Archmages Wards.
Prince of Shadows 5 - One of Ash’s old Friends needs help with a Job.
Prince of Shadows 6 - One of Ash’s old Acquaintances has a package for him from the prince of Shadows. (A Magic Item that might help against Demons)

K8 - Halfling Troublemaker
Archmage 5 - Deliver this dangerous magic item to your uncle in the Wizards tower to help stave off another diabolist attack. (magic item is wanted by random other Icon)
Magic Item is:
Other Icon is:
Archmage 6 - Magic item sent to her as a reward for averting the attack on the tower back by Caulsrest.
Random 5 -
Random 6 -

Robin - Dragon recognises the spirit inside him.
Great Gold Dragon 5 - A Paladin has heard that Robin was given a book of secret Dragon Kung Fu and wants his help with something...
Great Gold Dragon 6 - A Paladin has heard that Robin was given a book of secret Dragon Kung Fu and wants to help him with something...
The Three 5 - an NPC that got powerful by Bathing in Dragons Blood and is terribly Scarred.His Secret is that he didn’t really defeat the dragon who’s blood he Bathed in.
The Three 6 -  As above but the guy is a dragon hunter and mistakes Robin for a Dragon Spirit

The Three 5 - an NPC that got powerful by Bathing in Dragons Blood and is terribly Scarred.His Secret is that he didn’t really defeat the dragon who’s blood he Bathed in.
The Three 6 -  As above but the guy is a dragon hunter and mistakes John for a Dragon Spirit
The Empire 5 - Agents of his father turn up looking for John
The Empire 6 - John's Dead Mother’s Ghost  turns up and gives him a magic item
Magic Item
What killed her:

Friday, 1 March 2013

Dragon Age, Terrain and Diet Bet Victory

This morning I weigh 14st and have won my Feb Diet bet. I’m doing another one in March, this month I bet that I will be able to do 100 Push ups by the end of the month.

Last weekend we played Dragon age, with our friends from across the pond Charles and Tammie over a G+ Hangout.

I loved the Dragon Age stunt system, the resolution system is 3d6 with one of them a different colour, the Dragon Die. If you roll doubles you get stunt points equal to the roll on the Dragon Die which you can spend on doing interesting things in the fight; Knocking people back or over, extra damage or ignoring armour. It’s a really interesting critical hit mechanic.

Dan ran us through the intro adventure and one of the things that stood out for me was that each of the fights featured some sort of terrain, and each time it came into play because of the stunt system.

**Spoilers for the intro adventure below.**

The first fight was an ambush by a gorge where the rope bridge had been cut by Darkspawn seeking to trap us against the ravine. During the fight I got knocked down the ravine along with several of the darkspawn.

The 2nd was on a steep hillside with a switchback road leading up to it, and we started on the wrong side of a gully, everyone had to get across the gully and get up the hill in time to save the defenders from a massive Darkspawn attack.

Playing through it reminded me of this article from Criis perkins: Things I learnt from various editions

In it he mentions that the thing that 4th ed brought home for him was making sure there was some sort of interesting terrain in each fight.

The fights in dragon age all had some cool piece of terrain I them, even if it was just big pits. combined with the stunt system that meant that everyone gets to do the cool cinematic style fights with knocking opponents over or pushing them back and things like that. It made all the fights more interesting.

It is something i’m taking ino my This is Thracia adventures, making sure I put fights in locations more interesting than a 20ft by 20ft room.

What is the most interesting terrain you have put into a roleplaying adventure?